
Meet our Front Desk Receptionist and Patient Care Coordinator


Naomi is a Patient Care Coordinator at Beautiful Dentistry, and is hands on with technology at our office. When the gremlins get into the machines, Naomi knows how to convey the problems effectively with support agents, and is able to resolve most technology challenges quickly. If you have difficulty getting your cell phone connected to our free Guest WiFi network - Naomi can get you online lickety-split. If you need an X-Ray, Naomi got a 100% perfect score on her X-Ray Certification.

Advice she has taken to heart is that hard work is rewarding for those who pursue it, and we are all very proud of her X-Ray Certification achievement.

Naomi enjoys books authored by Nicholas Sparks, and spending time with her family and friends. Her ideal day off would include movies, and romping around outdoors with her cousins, and finding an opportunity to use the word “onomatopoeia”. Given the choice between living in space, living with robots, or having flying cars - Naomi is all about flying cars.

It doesn’t matter if you are a new patient, or an existing patient, speaking with Naomi will be the highlight of your day. Call her at (704) 633‑2612, and let’s talk teeth.